Hiking to Refugi J.M. Blanc

August 1, 2023

We went hiking with Pol and Gina and Donnacha to the refuge J.M. Blanc in the Aigüestortes National Park.

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It’s probably the best-appointed hostel in the mountains. That’s it there at the edge of the lake. Beautiful photograph from Rebecca.

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We walked there, and it was a long way. Even Saoirse walked some of the way, but not much.

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Looking down on the refugi from higher up the mountain.

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On the way down, it rained for a little while, so Riu put on her poncho.

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Beautiful Boí.

Gina and Gemma and Gina and Boí.

Saoirse's existential moment

July 13, 2023

Saoirse is having a bit of an existential moment, or maybe she’s just a wise old lady in disguise.

“Papa, you know I will not always be your little baby?

Because one day you will die and I will die.

But not at the same time and the same place.”

Here’s a photo of us in easier, less heavy times (last week)…

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Donnacha came to visit

July 13, 2023

Highly recommended babysitter and chainsaw operator, although probably not both at the same time.

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The noise-cancelling headphones work against both the chainsaw and the children.