Ash and Ollie and Oscar and Fionn
August 11, 2023
Ash and Ollie and Oscar and Fionn came to visit.
There was a lot of cycling.
We also went to the Festa Major.
And there was lots of relaxing.
Three monkeys we found up a tree and a woodland creature of the forest floor
Ash and Ollie and Oscar and Fionn came to visit.
There was a lot of cycling.
We also went to the Festa Major.
And there was lots of relaxing.
Lots more photos.
Dave Tec and Kim Siekerman and Lara came to visit.
Fire festival in Llavorsí.
We are getting ready for the Women’s World Cup 2023, which is being held in Australia and New Zealand.
Riu took some portraits when we were at the refugi.